Traffic Safety Culture Phase 3

This project is a cooperative effort of participating state departments of transportation (DOTs) and other (traditional and non-traditional) organizations with a vested interest in positively affecting the traffic safety culture. As its third phase, this long-term partnership supports continual evolution and integration through research projects, developed tools, and implementation efforts. Collectively with its last two phases, the efforts completed by this pooled fund continue to develop and deliver tools and services to transform the national, state, and community-level traffic safety culture. The goals of this transformation are to: 1) Show a measurable shift in values, attitudes, and behaviors related to road safety, and maintain positive changes in culture shifts that must be sustained in traffic safety behavior for all motorized and non-motorized road users; 2) Recognize and define many different levels of cultural influence in traffic safety and create and implement tools that positively influence a sustainable shift in those cultural beliefs; 3) Create tools for practitioners that impact culture in their organization and communities; 4) Provide the framework to influence the driver risk-takers to comply with making safe choices behind the wheel, whether automatically, due to culture shifts, or because of influencers that one might identify with, such as peers or family. Through continual collaboration, implementing, and trying new approaches, traffic safety culture can be significantly improved to reduce fatalities and serious injuries for all motorized and non-motorized road users.


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Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01944395
  • Record Type: Research project
  • Source Agency: Federal Highway Administration
  • Contract Numbers: TPF-5(547)
  • Files: RIP
  • Created Date: Jan 29 2025 3:23PM