Performance Based Specifications of Fiber Reinforced Concrete

This work aims to develop a prescriptive and performance-based specification that states could adopt to ensure the required performance in both crack resistance and contractibility of the fiber reinforced concrete.  This specification would use the Split Beam Test, ASTM C 1609, creep, and the Float Test to set performance limits for the different fibers.  This performance could then be specified based on the required performance or safe dosages of fibers could be prescribed based on the member.  For example, a sidewalk, overlay, and bridge deck may have different performance criteria. Based on the objectives the following deliverables will be produced: Standards for the Split Beam Test and Float Test; Round robin testing with the Split Beam Test and Float Test; Performance criteria for different applications such as bridge decks, overlays, and sidewalks; Creep performance of macrosynthetic fiber; Model specifications for different elements; Guide document for producers on how to design and troubleshoot fiber reinforced concrete.


  • English


  • Status: Programmed
  • Funding: $540,000.00
  • Contract Numbers:


  • Sponsor Organizations:

    Kansas Department of Transportation

    Eisenhower State Office Building
    700 SW Harrison Street
    Topeka, KS  United States  66603-3754

    Missouri Department of Transportation

    1617 Missouri Blvd.
    P.O. Box 270
    Jefferson City, MO  United States  65102

    Texas Department of Transportation

    125 E. 11th Street
    Austin, TX  United States  78701-2483

    Oklahoma Transportation

    200 NE 21st Street
    Oklahoma City, OK  United States  73105

    New York State Department of Transportation

    50 Wolf Road
    Albany, NY  United States  12232

    Kentucky Transportation Cabinet

    200 Mero Street
    Frankfort, KY  United States  40622
  • Project Managers:

    Hook, Gary

  • Start Date: 20250130
  • Expected Completion Date: 0
  • Actual Completion Date: 0

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01942618
  • Record Type: Research project
  • Source Agency: Federal Highway Administration
  • Contract Numbers: TPF-5(550)
  • Files: RIP
  • Created Date: Jan 16 2025 3:24PM