Transportation Needs and Economic Opportunities for Service Employees of Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Populations in Las Vegas Hospitality and Tourism Industry
The study team will continue and expand efforts initiated a few months ago (Year 1 of this PSR grant) to examine transportation needs and challenges faced by service employees, especially those from socio-economically disadvantaged (SED) populations. These individuals work at hotels along the Las Vegas resort corridor (the Strip). The team aims to identify potential opportunities to address these needs and challenges. In the first year, key deliverables were to develop and initiate an assessment instrument, solicit local stakeholder input, and obtain UNLV IRB approvals. Progress to date include developing the assessment instrument and its review by subject matter experts. However, due to unanticipated delays to obtain stakeholder input, there has been a delay to administer the survey. The team anticipates completing administering the survey in the next few months. The team will then conduct focus group interviews in year 2. Thus, in the second year of this study, main deliverables will be to complete evaluating the survey responses / data, conduct focus group interviews and analyze the results, and make recommendations for effective, efficient, and equitable solutions that address critical transportation commute needs of members of the workforce in the service economy who come from diverse and SED populations. The study team will document work related commute needs, experiences, and challenges faced by SED employees. Key topics of interest include availability of alternative transportation modes, access to places of employment, total travel times, and implications for employees’ balance between work responsibilities and personal lives, as well as their psychological well-being. Other items of interest include how the adoption and use of innovative technologies can alleviate key challenges associated with employees’ commutes. The study will attempt to explore incentives, policies and operational strategies to help address the transportation challenges and needs identified. The study team will collaborate with organizations such as the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, Culinary Workers Union and property owners and employees in the resort corridor. Transportation Needs and Economic Opportunities for Service Employees of Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Populations in Las Vegas Hospitality and Tourism Industry. The following are potential outcomes of this study. (1) Provide a template for a survey instrument for potential use in similar efforts across the PSR UTC consortium, and beyond. (2) By identifying the scope and magnitude of work-commute issues, the study will help identify transport access and mobility challenges that SED populations and underserved community members in the greater Las Vegas area experience. (3) Provide empirical evidence to support policy changes that advance the equity and inclusion issues in the service industry. (4) Set the foundation for an externally funded and more comprehensive study with the goal of making transportation needs of the community future-proof
- English
- Status: Programmed
- Funding: $57052
Contract Numbers:
Sponsor Organizations:
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
University Transportation Centers Program
Department of Transportation
Washington, DC United States 20590 -
Managing Organizations:
METRANS Transportation Consortium
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA United States -
Project Managers:
Hong, Jennifer
Bruner, Britain
Principal Investigators:
Erdem, Mehmet
Nambisan, Shashi
- Start Date: 20240815
- Expected Completion Date: 20250814
- Actual Completion Date: 0
- USDOT Program: University Transportation Centers
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Accessibility; Low income groups; Surveys; Tourism; Transportation equity
- Geographic Terms: Las Vegas Metropolitan Area
- Subject Areas: Society; Transportation (General);
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01928980
- Record Type: Research project
- Source Agency: Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center
- Contract Numbers: 69A3552348309
- Files: UTC, RIP
- Created Date: Aug 27 2024 5:07PM