I-25 Gap Project Wildlife Structures
The I-25 South Gap Wildlife Mitigation Study is evaluating the effectiveness of a wildlife mitigation system constructed as part of a highway widening project on I-25 between Castle Rock and Monument. The mitigation system includes four underpasses, a major bridge replacement, small mammal connectivity features, wildlife exclusion fencing and fence end treatments, escape ramps, and wildlife guards. Mitigation effectiveness is being measured using two general pre- and post- construction measures: the change in wildlife-vehicle collisions as measured by crash and carcass counts, and the numbers of each species using the wildlife crossings and their passage rates. The effectiveness of the other mitigation features is measured via breach and repel rates at wildlife guards or fence end treatments, and intercept and escape rates at escape ramps. These measures will be quantified relative to pre-established performance measures to assess the overall effectiveness of the mitigation and each of its component parts. This research will provide insight into the value of the mitigation investments on I-25; determine whether adjustments to any of the mitigation components may be warranted to improve the effectiveness of the mitigation; and address gaps in the understanding of biologically and cost-effective mitigation designs for major infrastructure projects. The study findings are expected to inform the design of future mitigation projects in Colorado, western North America, and beyond.
- English
- Status: Active
Sponsor Organizations:
Colorado Department of Transportation
Applied Research and Innovation Branch
Denver, CO United States 80204 -
Project Managers:
Roeder, Bryan
- Start Date: 20210831
- Expected Completion Date: 20251230
- Actual Completion Date: 0
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Fences; Highway safety; Interstate highways; Underpasses; Wildlife; Wildlife crossings
- Geographic Terms: Colorado
- Subject Areas: Bridges and other structures; Environment; Highways;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01927167
- Record Type: Research project
- Source Agency: Colorado Department of Transportation
- Created Date: Aug 13 2024 5:38PM