Establishment of a Public-Private Transportation Data Exchange Center

State departments of transportation (DOTs) across the country are paying third-party vendors to provide traffic data from their own roadways. The data is costly, and the source of the data is not verifiable. An entire industry is emerging that increasingly perceives DOTs as their primary financial source. Currently a significant number of vehicles are equipped with sensors, cameras, and in some cases lidar technology, which have the capability to provide DOTs accurate information pertaining to vehicular movements on our roadways. This information is currently retained by the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). If this information was shared with the departments of transportation, it could lead to a safer and more efficient system for their users. Cooperative efforts by a consortium of State entities to facilitate this data exchange could yield substantial benefits for the DOT, the OEMs, but most importantly the people driving on the roadways. Historically, there has been a reluctance within the private sector to share information with government agencies. The premise of this TPF study is to collaboratively look at the development of a data repository that could act as an impartial arbiter of data to ensure all personal identifying details are excluded. The goal of the project is to develop a secure computing, data analytics, and storage infrastructure with a data repository (data warehouse or data lake) that will collect all relevant vehicle data as well as other types of data (including environment data, weather data, among other sources) and share the data with DOTs for data analyses without any identifying information attached to improve transportation decision-making.


  • English


Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01926659
  • Record Type: Research project
  • Source Agency: Federal Highway Administration
  • Contract Numbers: TPF-5(539)
  • Created Date: Aug 7 2024 3:56PM