Improving the Quality of Pavement Surface Distress and Transverse Profile Data Collection and Analysis

The technical capabilities of systems to collect and analyze pavement surface distress and transverse profile (PSDATP) have increased dramatically in the last 5-10 years. Many State highway agencies (SHAs) are in the process of assessing the procurement of equipment/systems or procuring vendor services for network and project level assessments. Additionally, the SHAs are constantly trying to determine the cost of data collection to help support pavement decisions. The collection of quality PSDATP is critical for pavement management and design. The current national and State efforts to develop and refine pavement performance measures highlight the high value provided by quality PSDATP. The implementation of new project delivery methods with medium- to long-term maintenance agreements (Design Build Maintain, Design Build Operate, etc.) and performance measures directing maintenance and rehabilitation strategies, justify a high level of quality PSDATP for proper planning and the allocation of funding. The implementation of the Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) highlights the need for quality PSDATP to maximize the potential of the MEPDG and all other pavement design models. The emphasis on preventive pavement maintenance activities provides the opportunity for additional value from greater resolution of pavement surface distress quantification. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) currently sponsors Expert Task Groups (ETG) and/or Technical Working Groups (TWG) for Asphalt Binder, Asphalt Mixture, Asphalt Modeling, Concrete Pavement Technology Program, Pavement Smoothness, and Rutting and Cracking Measurement, to obtain stakeholder input and provide technical information and evaluation. This pooled-fund effort will result in reconstituting the existing Rutting and Cracking Measurement ETG. The activities of the pooled-fund effort will be communicated with other appropriate committees and groups in the pavement community, such as, the Road Profiler User Group, the FHWA, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Joint Technical Committee on Pavements, the AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Materials, and the Transportation Research Board (TRB). The FHWA Rutting and Cracking Measurement ETG developed a set of protocols and guidelines that have been approved by the AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Materials (SOM) as provisional standards. Validation and refinement of the provisional standards is needed. A June 2013 survey of SOM members on interest in supporting this pooled fund project resulted in 27 responses with 10 responding yes definitely, 14 possibly, 2 probably not, and 1 no. The Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) program has 10+ years of experience using pavement surface distress data collection systems on a daily basis. This experience includes purchasing specifications, data reduction, and application activities. Their experience can be beneficial to the SHAs. This new pooled-fund project is being established to provide direction and funding that will unify the strategies, address implementation efforts, and promote practices that improve the accuracy and repeatability of the data collection and analysis systems and promote the knowledge and understanding of PSDATP measurements. It is expected that this study will be completed within 6 years. Based on the conceptual similarities of this study with the existing Pooled-Fund Study TPF-5(063) “Improving the Quality of Pavement Profiler Measurement,” it is proposed that this new study follow a similar project management approach – through the establishment of a “Study Charter”. OBJECTIVES: Improve the Quality of Pavement Surface Distress and Transverse Profile Data Collection and Analysis by assembling SHAs, the FHWA, and industry representatives to: Identify data collection integrity and quality issues; Identify data analysis needs; Suggest approaches to addressing identified issues and needs Based on this information, the SHAs and the FHWA will: Initiate and monitor projects intended to address identified issues and needs; Disseminate results; Assist in solution deployment


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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01923932
  • Record Type: Research project
  • Source Agency: Federal Highway Administration
  • Contract Numbers: TPF-5(299)
  • Created Date: Jul 9 2024 11:15AM