MDOT Implementation of Pavement ME – Phase IV Study 1 of 2 - Update Plan of Implementation of AASHTOWare PMED based on MDOT-Funded Research

In this study a review of the final report for multiple Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) research studies and the engineering site report for each of 64 pavement test sections field sampled/tested in MDOT SS No. 263, “Data Collection for Local Calibration of the AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design Performance Models for Mississippi” will be conducted. The information from these sources will be synthesized and the plan of implementation of AASHTOWare PMED for Mississippi will be updated. This study will also produce a list of recommended stone matrix asphalt (SMA) test sections for a future field sampling/testing study, similar to the one conducted for MDOT SS No. 263.