Lessons Learned from SS 263 Data Collection for Local Calibration of the AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design Performance Models

The objectives of this study are to evaluate the results of SS263 (the big field study), look at distress formation and progression, look for relationships between material properties and types of distresses, and identify the biggest pavement-related issues for Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT). The benefits of this study include better data for the study in #1 above and Pavement ME, capture and advance of knowledge of pavement materials/design/construction, and close some of the feedback loop between these areas. This could also be valuable to pavement management in terms of feedback, repair decisions, decision tree tweaking, and performance prediction for optimization. The study proposes a lead-in to a rehabilitation manual, and the research team could work with Maintenance on this, and could use research funds to revise their preservation manual if they wish to do so. Further, other state DOTs will benefit from this knowledge. Also, this information will aid the local calibration study.