Modernize Census Infrastructure Technology
Advancements in technology have introduced various potential solutions for traffic census data collection. These technologies each have unique strengths and weaknesses and vary in aspects such as maturity, cost, deployment requirements, and performance metrics. The proposed research aims to perform a systematic evaluation of these options. The technologies under consideration range from traditional methods such as Inductive Loop and Magnetometer to advanced techniques like Video Detection Systems and LiDAR technology. The objectives of this research are to conduct a thorough literature review, conduct stakeholder engagements, form an evaluation matrix for these technologies, and offer specific recommendations for different traffic scenarios, in addition to calculating the lifecycle costs for each technology. The culmination of this research will provide insightful suggestions for the implementation of efficient, cost-effective, and advanced traffic census systems.
- English
- Status: Programmed
- Funding: $100000
Contract Numbers:
Sponsor Organizations:
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
University Transportation Centers Program
Department of Transportation
Washington, DC United States 20590 -
Managing Organizations:
METRANS Transportation Consortium
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA United States -
Project Managers:
Hong, Jennifer
Bruner, Britain
Principal Investigators:
Ma, Jiaqi
- Start Date: 20240101
- Expected Completion Date: 20241231
- Actual Completion Date: 0
- USDOT Program: University Transportation Centers
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Alternatives analysis; Data collection; Life cycle costing; Recommendations; Traffic data
- Subject Areas: Data and Information Technology; Highways; Operations and Traffic Management; Pedestrians and Bicyclists;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01893872
- Record Type: Research project
- Source Agency: Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center
- Contract Numbers: 65A0674
- Files: UTC, RIP
- Created Date: Sep 21 2023 2:11PM