Implementing Safe Systems Approach in Project Development
In 2021, traffic collisions resulted in 806 fatalities and over 30,000 injuries in Kentucky. The Cabinet administers safety initiatives through its Office of Highway Safety, the Highway Safety Improvement Program, and efforts focused on work zone safety (e.g., participating in and publicizing National Work Zone Awareness Week). Although project purpose and need statements often mention safety, a safe systems approach would offer additional opportunities to focus on safety during project development as it offers a comprehensive set of principles and objectives to underwrite system design and operations. Integrating this approach into project development can help Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) meet safe systems objectives and improve public safety.
- English
- Status: Active
- Funding: $150000
Contract Numbers:
KYSPR 24-650
Sponsor Organizations:
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
200 Mero Street
Frankfort, KY United States 40622 -
Performing Organizations:
University of Kentucky, Lexington
Kentucky Transportation Center College of Engineering, 176 Raymond Building
Lexington, KY United States 40506-0281 -
Principal Investigators:
Gibson, Bryan
- Start Date: 20230701
- Expected Completion Date: 20250630
- Actual Completion Date: 0
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Project management; Safety
- Identifier Terms: Kentucky Transportation Cabinet; Safe System Approach
- Subject Areas: Construction; Highways; Planning and Forecasting; Safety and Human Factors;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01893242
- Record Type: Research project
- Source Agency: University of Kentucky, Lexington
- Contract Numbers: KYSPR 24-650
- Created Date: Sep 14 2023 8:49AM