Guide for Applying Quantitative Highway Safety Analysis Methods
The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Highway Safety Manual (HSM) is a guidance document for incorporating quantitative safety analysis in highway planning and development processes. Many procedures contained in the HSM are complex and challenging for the average practitioner to apply. Given the complexities of the HSM, some practitioners may not use the manual to its full potential. Currently, a new edition of the HSM is in development (HSM-2); this edition will have new and expanded analytical tools. A vigorous and in-depth guide is needed to enhance practitioners’ abilities to use HSM procedures to integrate roadway safety across transportation agency program areas. The objective of this project is to develop a guide focused on the use and application of quantitative highway safety analysis methods in the HSM-2 for informing decisions throughout the project life cycle, including but not limited to programming, planning, preliminary engineering, final design, construction, maintenance, asset management, assessment of transportation impacts from development, and traffic operations. The guide will assist practitioners from diverse professional backgrounds and levels of expertise to navigate and properly apply tools in the HSM-2. As a companion document, the guide should use references and not replicate content from the HSM-2.
- English
- Status: Active
- Funding: $500000
Contract Numbers:
Project 17-127
Sponsor Organizations:
National Cooperative Highway Research Program
Transportation Research Board
500 Fifth Street, NW
Washington, DC United States 20001American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
444 North Capitol Street, NW
Washington, DC United States 20001Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC United States 20590 -
Project Managers:
Turner, Anne-Marie
Performing Organizations:
Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Incorporated
333 Fayetteville Street, Suite 1450
Raleigh, NC United States 27601 -
Principal Investigators:
Himes, Scott
- Start Date: 20240708
- Expected Completion Date: 20270107
- Actual Completion Date: 0
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Decision making; Handbooks; Highway safety; Manuals; Programming (Planning); Project management; Safety analysis
- Subject Areas: Administration and Management; Highways; Planning and Forecasting; Safety and Human Factors;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01888640
- Record Type: Research project
- Source Agency: Transportation Research Board
- Contract Numbers: Project 17-127
- Files: TRB, RIP
- Created Date: Jul 25 2023 8:20AM