Reduce Fatal and Serious Injury Crashes

Towards Zero Deaths (TZD), Vision Zero (VZ), and Road to Zero (RTZ) are national strategies on transportation safety with a vision of a transportation system free of fatalities, changing the safety culture to the point where even one traffic related death is unacceptable. Another initiative recently adopted by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is the Safe System approach to transportation safety. Like TZD, VZ and RTZ, the Safe System approach aims to eliminate fatal and serious injuries for all road users. It does so through a holistic view of the road system that anticipates human mistakes and keeps impact energy on the human body at tolerable levels. To accomplish this goal, every user of the transportation system and traffic safety decision maker must change the way they think about traffic safety. For South Dakota (SD) to implement a zero-fatality initiative, it needs an implementation plan that defines the roles and responsibilities of multiple state and local government agencies. These agencies include the Office of the Governor, Dept. of Transportation, Dept. of Public Safety, Dept. of Health, Dept. of Education, Unified Judicial System, Local Transportation Assistance Program, SD Police Chiefs’ Association, SD Sheriffs’ Association, SD Association of County Highway Superintendents, and Tribal Partners. The proposed research project will use resources available to coordinate with these agencies in developing a zero-fatality initiative implementation plan specific to South Dakota.