Performance Centered Concrete Construction

Surveys conducted for the past 5 years indicate that a number of states have changed or are in the process of changing their specifications in response to the Performance Engineered Mixtures (PEM) initiative. It is time to consider “what’s next?” The intent of this proposed work is to answer that question. The fundamental philosophy is unchanged; the ability to specify, measure, and deliver concrete paving mixtures that perform as intended for their design lifetime and beyond. Having the capability to consistently prepare reliable, high-performing mixtures at the batch plant naturally leads to the need to evaluate what happens to the concrete through the stages of transportation, placement, finishing and sawing. Actions between the batch plant and the grade that potentially influence the longevity of a mixture include: transport, handling, water / admixture addition, vibration, finishing / texturing, curing, sawing, and opening to traffic. Properties that may be affected by these actions include: uniformity, consolidation, air void system stability, durability and strength, segregation, smoothness, and cracking. It is intended to follow the previous PEM model to: (1) Establish a sound understanding of these properties and how they are affected by workmanship; (2) Develop / select appropriate test methods for evaluation at or behind the paver; (3) Select pass / fail criteria; (4) Provide tools for contractors to ensure that compliance is practical; (5) Provide documentation and training resources to encourage agencies and contractors to adopt performance based specifications reflecting PEM and related construction practices; and (6) Assist agencies and industry in the transition to realistic performance based specifications.


  • English


Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01881964
  • Record Type: Research project
  • Source Agency: Federal Highway Administration
  • Contract Numbers: TPF-5(517)
  • Files: RIP, STATEDOT
  • Created Date: May 10 2023 4:45PM