Trip Generation Study for Coffee Shop with Drive-through and Fast Food with Drive-through

The objective of this Pooled Fund is to accurately determine impacts to the state roadway system due to significant queuing via access connections and internal drive through lanes because of high volume/high generator Land Uses when located adjacent to state roadway facilities. There are two specific land uses services for which this research will be conducted throughout the State of Florida. Existing locations for the specific land uses referenced below currently create significant queueing/stacking into FDOT right of way and adversely impact the Safety and Operation of the State roadway facilities for vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic. Developing accurate trip generation data will assist the decision-making process and ultimately benefit the safety and operation of the state roadway systems. The development of specific traffic impacts for these specific generators will ensure the design of safer access connections and ensure all necessary improvements to the state roadway are determined in the preliminary phase of review.