Evaluation of Innovative Pedestrian Detection Systems to Increase Safety

The project’s objectives are described below: (1) Research the latest advancements in Dynamic Passive Pedestrian Detection (DPPD) or Automated Pedestrian Detector (APD) systems currently available and identify vendors with available products. This will build on the previous project where several products were identified and tested. (2) Develop evaluation, implementation, and data collection plans for investigating effectiveness of DPPD or APD systems to reduce pedestrians crossing without physically pressing a button to place a pedestrian call. This will include investigation of a system where a pedestrian call can be placed via a smartphone or motion sensor so there is no need for the pedestrian to physically press the push button. (3) Complete a detailed evaluation on the effectiveness and benefits for using DPPD or APD systems in Florida via before-after studies of the behavior of pedestrians where such pedestrian detection technologies are deployed including investigation of extending or shortening the pedestrian crossing time at midblock crossings and canceling the pedestrian call depending on pedestrian presence at signalized intersections. (4) Develop implementation guidelines on when, where, and how to deploy these systems and document analysis results and research findings from the evaluation and provide recommendations.


    • English


    • Status: Active
    • Funding: $218000
    • Contract Numbers:

      BED25 977-14

    • Sponsor Organizations:

      University of South Florida, Tampa

      Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
      4202 E. Flowler Avenue, ENB 118
      Tampa, FL  United States  33620-5350
    • Managing Organizations:

      Florida Department of Transportation

      Research Center
      605 Suwannee Street MS-30
      Tallahassee, FL  United States  32399-0450
    • Project Managers:

      Amicarelli, Mariano

    • Performing Organizations:

      University of South Florida, Tampa

      Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
      4202 E. Flowler Avenue, ENB 118
      Tampa, FL  United States  33620-5350
    • Principal Investigators:

      Lin, Pei-Sung

    • Start Date: 20230329
    • Expected Completion Date: 20250531
    • Actual Completion Date: 0

    Subject/Index Terms

    Filing Info

    • Accession Number: 01878007
    • Record Type: Research project
    • Source Agency: Florida Department of Transportation
    • Contract Numbers: BED25 977-14
    • Files: RIP, STATEDOT
    • Created Date: Mar 29 2023 1:32PM