Investigating the Extent of Wrong-Way Driving Events and Identifying Wrong-Way Driving Hotspots on Idaho High-Speed Roadways

Wrong way driving (WWD) is a rare, but serious, problem on high-speed roadways. According to the National Transportation Safety Board (2012), WWD crashes make up about 3% of all crashes on high-speed divided highways. However, the fatality rate for WWD crashes can be up to 27 times that of other crash types. Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) has experienced a limited amount of WWD crashes in recent years but the full extent of the WWD problem in Idaho is unknown. This project will investigate the frequency of WWD events on limited access and other high-speed roadways in Idaho to identify the extent and characteristics of WWD based on crashes, citations, computer-aided dispatch (CAD) calls, traffic management center (TMC) logs, and other available WWD data. Non-crash events (law enforcement citations, CAD calls, TMC logs, etc.), which could potentially lead to WWD crashes, need to be considered to fully understand the extent of WWD. Crash, citation, and CAD data related to WWD are available in Idaho but will require extensive review and analysis to identify WWD events and understand the contributing factors. Prior research on WWD has shown that most WWD crashes occur at night and involve older drivers. It is important to consider all types of WWD events, not just crashes, to obtain a comprehensive understanding of WWD behavior and risk. The status of existing signs, pavement markings, or other WWD countermeasures will also be examined to identify areas where these preventative measures could be implemented or improved.


    • English


    • Status: Active
    • Funding: $325000
    • Contract Numbers:

      RP 306

    • Sponsor Organizations:

      Idaho Transportation Department

      P.O. Box 7129, 3311 West State Street
      Boise, ID  United States  83707-1129
    • Project Managers:

      Hubinger, Brett

    • Performing Organizations:

      University of Central Florida, Orlando

      Department of Civil, Environmental & Contruction Engineering
      1280 Pegasus Drive, 442B Engineering II
      Orlando, FL  United States  32816
    • Principal Investigators:

      Al-Deek, Haitham

    • Start Date: 20230605
    • Expected Completion Date: 20250605
    • Actual Completion Date: 0

    Subject/Index Terms

    Filing Info

    • Accession Number: 01867205
    • Record Type: Research project
    • Source Agency: Idaho Transportation Department
    • Contract Numbers: RP 306
    • Files: RIP, STATEDOT
    • Created Date: Dec 14 2022 3:05PM