RES2023-15: Investigating the Long-Term Frictional Properties and Establishing Aggregate Polishing Guidelines for Asphalt Surface Mixtures in Tennessee
The skid resistance of asphalt mixtures is characterized by micro and macro textures. The macro-texture is related to gradation, density, shape, angularity, and arrangement of aggregates within the mixture layer. The micro-texture is associated with the polishing properties of aggregates at the mixture surface. Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) controls the micro-texture of surface asphalt mixtures by requiring a minimum of 75% of siliceous aggregates. However, this requirement is based on experience only. In addition, the routine use of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) poses new challenges due to the unknown amount of siliceous materials in the RAP materials. Therefore, it is imperative to address and optimize the friction of surface mixtures in Tennessee. Additionally, some regions of Tennessee experience high costs for importing polish resistant aggregates for asphalt surface mixtures. The lack of locally available polish-resistant aggregate sources can require contractors to haul polish-resistant aggregates at a great expense.
- English
- Status: Active
- Funding: $200,000.00
Contract Numbers:
Sponsor Organizations:
Tennessee Department of Transportation
James K. Polk Building
Fifth and Deaderick Street
Nashville, TN United States 37243-0349 -
Managing Organizations:
Tennessee Department of Transportation
James K. Polk Building
Fifth and Deaderick Street
Nashville, TN United States 37243-0349 -
Performing Organizations:
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Center for Transportation Research
Conference Center Building
Knoxville, TN United States 37996-4133 -
Principal Investigators:
Huang, Baoshan
- Start Date: 20220801
- Expected Completion Date: 20240731
- Actual Completion Date: 0
- USDOT Program: Transportation, Planning, Research, and Development
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Friction; Polished aggregates; Reclaimed asphalt pavements; Skid resistance
- Geographic Terms: Tennessee
- Subject Areas: Highways; Materials; Pavements;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01854604
- Record Type: Research project
- Source Agency: Tennessee Department of Transportation
- Contract Numbers: RES2023-15
- Created Date: Aug 12 2022 2:41PM