Implementation and Quantitative Evaluation

This project will implement the integrated MMOS in Salt Lake City to evaluate the strategic directions envisioned by the Center. Additionally, researchers will work directly with staff from San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA) and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) to transfer the MMOS to their context. By implementing the MMOS for both a medium and a large city we will be able to evaluate the effects of the strategic directions in different contexts and set ourselves up for tech transfer to other regions. Further, by making the MMOS work in two settings, the center designs transferability into the system from the start, thus facilitating future adoption. A major objective of this project is to leverage data being collected in each region so that the MMOS can be calibrated to realistic behavior where feasible. In San Francisco, a data set of ride-hail vehicle traces scraped from the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) of two ride-hail companies is available for this task. This data-centric approach is important, because research to date on the topic has been hampered by a lack of data on ride-hailing and transit interactions. The result of this project will be an evaluation of how the on-demand multi-modal transit systems differ in the two contexts, and how they differ from ride-hail use. This assessment will provide a better understanding to transit operators for the contexts in which such systems might be most effective. The models are being simultaneously developed in a collaboration with staff from SFCTA and MTC in San Francisco, and with WFRC and UTA in Salt Lake City. These external collaborators join weekly meetings to inform of local situations, supply data, and learn of the project’s progress and purposes.