Southeast Transportation Consortium - Phase II

The current Southeast Transportation Consortium (STC) is nearing its second extension to round out 10 years of productive work. In that 10 year period at least 12 research products have been produced on a wide variety of topics of interest to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Region 2 member states. Additionally, the technology transfer and idea sharing between the states has benefited all involved states immensely. Objectives: 1. Plan and conduct STC meetings to establish research priorities, share research findings, and exchange information in a peer exchange setting. Each member state may utilize funds for one member of each organization to attend and participate; 2. Discuss and screen potential research or synthesis projects and seek partners from the public academic, and private sectors to collaborate on these projects utilizing available resources to ensure research is not duplicated; 3. Conduct research and synthesis studies; 4. Hold a multi-state peer exchange for up to three (3) STC member states on a topic of their choosing, in which each state will need written approval from their respective Division office; 5. Communicate and disseminate research results and innovative practices through publications and other technology transfer activities; 6. Communicate the impacts of the STC to national leaders in transportation.


  • English


Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01790165
  • Record Type: Research project
  • Source Agency: Federal Highway Administration
  • Contract Numbers: TPF-5(488)
  • Files: RIP, USDOT
  • Created Date: Dec 1 2021 5:20PM