Demonstration to Advance New Pavement Technologies Pooled Fund

Since 2013, the Accelerated Implementation and Deployment of Technologies Pavement Technologies Program (AIDPT), in partnership with State Departments of Transportation (DOTs), academia and industry, has identified asphalt and concrete paving advancements, and implemented effective strategies for rapid deployment of new and promising technologies. This pooled-fund project will continue to achieve the goals of the AIDPT Program by serving as a mechanism to deploy and showcase pavement technologies and resources. Recent Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)-led demonstration initiatives include increased in-place asphalt density and performance engineering concrete mixtures. To further and enhance the Program’s demonstration initiatives, the FHWA will identify up to three pavement technology topics for consideration under this pooled-fund project that align with the FHWA Pavement and Materials program areas. Topics for consideration include: Development of Balanced Mix Design (BMD) for asphalt and performance engineered mixture (PEM) for concrete program; Implementation of strategic pavement preservation programs; Integration of sustainability and resiliency into decision-making process, technical frameworks, education efforts, and stakeholder engagement. This pooled fund seeks to support and showcase the implementation of innovative pavement technologies, products, and processes by State DOTs by leveraging of Federal investments with State DOT partnerships. FHWA will collaborate with the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and the contributing State DOTs to define the parameters of each of their state’s demonstration project. The above-mentioned topics are planned for the initial solicitation; however, other topics may be considered by the TAC. The FHWA contribution will be used to provide up to $250,000, up to 100 hours of technical assistance, and resources for developing case study reports and videos for each selected demonstration project. The amount of support that will be contributed to each project will vary and ultimately be decided by the TAC. Additionally, FHWA will host a website for publishing case studies and other relevant project documents, as well as peer exchanges for showcasing lessons learned and best practices from the projects. Each state DOT will be expected to participate in pooled fund meeting opportunities and actively collaborate with other states and FHWA to advance these initiatives. The state DOT will complete a report documenting the initiative and outcomes of selected state DOT demonstration projects by using a standard reporting template provided by FHWA. The annual commitment is $10,000 per DOT and the FHWA commitment is $2 million annually for a period of 5 years (FY21-FY25).


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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01769713
  • Record Type: Research project
  • Source Agency: Federal Highway Administration
  • Contract Numbers: TPF-5(478)
  • Created Date: Apr 20 2021 10:34AM