Impact of Silt and Clay Particles on Freshwater Mussels
Threatened and endangered (T&E) species considerations for Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) federally funded projects include potential impacts to rare plants, animals, critical habitat, and natural communities (e.g., streams, caves, prairies, karst). The objectives of this project are as follows: evaluate the impact of silt, clay and other mineral elements, particularly those particle types associated with transportation-sector construction activities, to freshwater mussels and study the mechanisms for such impacts; examine the effects of increased turbidity on mussel feeding and reproduction; investigate how different types of soils and minerals affect freshwater mussels, including identifying important thresholds of impact for each; and evaluate new and existing approaches that could mitigate the impact of various sediments from construction activities to mussels.
- English
- Status: Active
- Funding: $600,000
Contract Numbers:
Sponsor Organizations:
Missouri Department of Transportation
1617 Missouri Boulevard
P.O. Box 270
Jefferson City, MO United States 65102 -
Project Managers:
Breeding, Scott
Performing Organizations:
Missouri Center for Transportation Innovation
Lafferre Hall
416 S 6th St.
Columbia, Missouri United States 65201 -
Principal Investigators:
Deng, Baolin
Trauth, Kathleen
- Start Date: 20210101
- Expected Completion Date: 20240831
- Actual Completion Date: 0
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Clay; Construction sites; Endangered species; Environmental impacts; Fresh water; Sediment discharge; Shellfish; Silts; Turbidity
- Subject Areas: Construction; Environment; Transportation (General);
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01769435
- Record Type: Research project
- Source Agency: Missouri Department of Transportation
- Contract Numbers: TR202109
- Created Date: Apr 14 2021 10:19AM