Evaluate Improved Streamflow Measurement at TxDOT Bridges
In August 2016 the National Weather Service began operating a National Water Model continually providing real-time forecasting on 190,000 miles of Texas streams and rivers. TxDOT maintains 30,000 bridges, some of which have been threatened by flooding, especially during the past four years. Better information on forecast flood inundation would help anticipate bridge and road flooding, inform decisions before, during, and after flooding, and deploy resources for bridge inspection after flooding is over. During this project, researchers will place 60 gages in 4 watersheds on Texas state highway bridges.Watersheds will be selected based on historical and past flooding issues and gages will be distributed and spaced to better represent the flow in the system, which will produce and improve the TxDOT Flood Forecast System. The research team will select the best available real-time forecasting models and review, evaluate and recommend most accurate and suitable model. Deliverables for this project will include a TxDOT Flood Forecast Manual and instructional program for training TxDOT personnel in using this system during flood operations. The final research report will include a description of how the TxDOT Flood Forecast System has been improved with additional gages and forecast analytics.
- English
- Status: Completed
- Funding: $6,602,641
Contract Numbers:
Sponsor Organizations:
Texas Department of Transportation
125 E. 11th Street
Austin, TX United States 78701-2483 -
Managing Organizations:
Texas Department of Transportation
125 E. 11th Street
Austin, TX United States 78701-2483 -
Project Managers:
Adediwura, Jade
Performing Organizations:
Center for Transportation Research
3925 W. Braker Lane
Austin, TX United States 78759 -
Principal Investigators:
Maidment, David R.
- Start Date: 20200901
- Expected Completion Date: 20231031
- Actual Completion Date: 20231031
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Floods; Highway bridges; Manuals; Mathematical models; Real time information; Streamflow; Training; Weather forecasting
- Identifier Terms: Texas Department of Transportation
- Geographic Terms: Texas
- Subject Areas: Bridges and other structures; Education and Training; Environment; Highways; Hydraulics and Hydrology;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01766371
- Record Type: Research project
- Source Agency: Texas Department of Transportation
- Contract Numbers: 0-7095
- Created Date: Mar 1 2021 4:11PM