Development of Risk-Based Approach for KDOT Construction Inspection: Implementation Guidelines
State departments of transportation (DOTs) have been facing a challenge of shrinking budgets and substantial reductions in both the numbers and experience levels of inspectors over the last decade. Many state DOTs including Kansas DOT (KDOT) have lost experienced construction inspection staff while a number of projects are increased with a high level of inspection required. To address this challenge, DOTs often rely on contractor’s quality control (QC) and outsource to the third party for testing and inspection. This strategy, however, is not always a cost-effective approach. The KTRAN Project 0754-01 “Development of Risk-Based Approach for KDOT Construction Inspection: An Assessment” has successfully identified and evaluated the level of risk of KDOT construction activities associated with KDOT Standard Specification and Construction Manual section numbers. The findings from the KTRAN Project 0754-01 have confirmed that there is an immediate and compelling need to incorporate risk-based approaches into KDOT current practices for construction inspection. The objective of this proposed research is to develop implementation guidelines for KDOT risk-based construction inspection. The proposed guidelines will provide KDOT with inspection forms and checklists that include critical construction inspection items associated risk impact, inspection priorities, inspection tasks, and appropriate inspector staffing. The guidelines will help KDOT project and program managers effectively and efficiently allocate their limited resources while mitigating risk impact.
Supplemental Notes:
- Final report is pending review.
- English
- Status: Active
- Funding: $93100
Contract Numbers:
K-TRAN: KU-21-5
Sponsor Organizations:
Kansas Department of Transportation
Eisenhower State Office Building
700 SW Harrison Street
Topeka, KS United States 66603-3754 -
Performing Organizations:
University of Kansas Center for Research, Incorporated
2291 Irving Hill Drive, Campus West
Lawrence, KS United States 66045 -
Principal Investigators:
Tran, Dan
- Start Date: 20200701
- Expected Completion Date: 20240731
- Actual Completion Date: 0
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Guidelines; Inspection; Plan implementation; Risk assessment; Risk management; Road construction; State departments of transportation
- Identifier Terms: Kansas Department of Transportation
- Subject Areas: Administration and Management; Construction; Highways; Policy; Safety and Human Factors;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01760108
- Record Type: Research project
- Source Agency: Kansas Department of Transportation
- Contract Numbers: K-TRAN: KU-21-5, RE-0817-01, C2172
- Created Date: Dec 15 2020 3:36PM