Phase 2: Computationally Informed Methodologies for Capturing the Effect of Intervening Structures during Truck Impact Events
The continued, multi-step approach involving detailed computational modeling and the development of simplified design approaches for estimating the effect of vehicle-column will be extended. In the second phase, the yield line theoretical analysis will be extended to various angles of truck attack crashing into the barrier, as this was established in the current phase for perpendicular loading to the barrier only, supported by numerical simulations using Abaqus. This way, design graphs or tables will be produced to help Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) engineers account for various scenarios to select cases that are safe, relatively conservative and accurate. An expanded set of vehicle velocities, vehicle orientations, barrier types, and pier configurations will be explored with detailed computational simulations. Preliminary development of a “Riera Function” for the studied truck will conducted. Since the hypothetically impacting vehicle must first pass through a vehicle barrier, it can be assumed that the vehicle barrier is failed. Yield line theory describes the behavior of under reinforced concrete elements where energy is dissipated primarily by plastic deformation in the reinforcement. Yield line analysis of the vehicle barrier will likely also help to estimate the energy dissipated and reduce the demand on the column. The singular objective of the proposed research is the further development of a design methodology for the accidental bridge pier impact by trucks that have departed the roadway.
Supplemental Notes:
- Final report is pending review.
- English
- Status: Active
- Funding: $59664
Contract Numbers:
K-TRAN: KSU-21-7
Sponsor Organizations:
Kansas Department of Transportation
Eisenhower State Office Building
700 SW Harrison Street
Topeka, KS United States 66603-3754 -
Performing Organizations:
Kansas State University Transportation Center
Kansas State University
Department of Civil Engineering
Manhattan, KS United States 66506 -
Principal Investigators:
Jones, Christopher
Rasheed, Hayder
- Start Date: 20200815
- Expected Completion Date: 20240731
- Actual Completion Date: 0
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Barriers (Roads); Bridge piers; Columns; Crash analysis; Dissipation; Mathematical models; Methodology; Ran off road crashes; Truck crashes; Trucks
- Identifier Terms: Kansas Department of Transportation
- Subject Areas: Bridges and other structures; Design; Highways; Planning and Forecasting; Safety and Human Factors;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01760101
- Record Type: Research project
- Source Agency: Kansas Department of Transportation
- Contract Numbers: K-TRAN: KSU-21-7, RE-0812-01, C2167
- Created Date: Dec 15 2020 2:56PM