Developing Scour-Depth Estimation Using the In Situ and Portable Scour Testing Devices (ISTD and PSTD) for Illinois Cohesive Soils
More than 60% of bridge failures in the United States are due to scouring and only 2% of the failures are caused by earthquakes. Many studies have been done on bridge scour predictions during the past decades. Most of the studies prior to 1999 were performed on non-cohesive materials. The most common prediction methods were proposed by HEC−18 and were later modified by Arneson et al. in 2012 (HEC 18 2012 version) to address scour calculations in cohesive material. FHWA in recent years developed the Insitu Scour Testing Device (ISTD) and Portable Scour Testing Device (PSTD) to extract better load versus erosion characteristics of the riverbed material. The objective of this research is to establish testing and hydraulic-analysis procedures with ISTD/PSTD data and to improve reliability of the estimated scour depths in cohesive soils to design bridges more cost-effectively. To meet this objective, the researchers will complete the following step: conduct a literature review, perform field testing and collect samples, develop a procedure, and publish a final report.
- English
- Status: Active
- Funding: $462500
Contract Numbers:
Sponsor Organizations:
Illinois Department of Transportation
Bureau of Materials and Physical Research
126 East Ash Street
Springfield, IL United States 62704-4766 -
Managing Organizations:
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Illinois Center for Transportation
1611 Titan Drive
Rantoul, IL United States 61866 -
Principal Investigators:
Huizinga, Richard
Rydlund, Paul
Stark, Timothy
Straub, Tim
Vaughn, Brent
Osouli, Abdolreza
- Start Date: 20201001
- Expected Completion Date: 20250930
- Actual Completion Date: 0
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Bridge design; Cohesive soils; Hydraulics; Scour; Test procedures
- Geographic Terms: Illinois
- Subject Areas: Bridges and other structures; Geotechnology; Highways; Hydraulics and Hydrology;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01752474
- Record Type: Research project
- Source Agency: Illinois Department of Transportation
- Contract Numbers: R27-220
- Created Date: Sep 21 2020 12:04PM