Superpave 5 Lab Mix Design Procedure

This project has five objectives relative to designing and laboratory testing of pavement mixtures with 5% air voids: 1. Assess current state-of-the-practice regarding the Superpave mix design procedures, especially on the selection of materials, volumetric mix design, and performance tests. 2. Design Superpave mixtures at 5% laboratory air voids without lowering the effective binder content. 3. Design and test mixes at 5% laboratory air voids to have equivalent rut resistance (of current Superpave mixes), according to nationally accepted rutting tests. 4. Develop a complete mix design procedure that considers traffic levels, mixtures containing RAP, PG binders, aggregate mineral types and Superpave mix Wpes. 5. Explore if the new mix design procedures can ultimately be a performance-based design. That is, if laboratory fatigue, low-temperature crack testing and moisture susceptibility testing should be included in the new mix design. To complete this study, the researchers will: Collect sample mixes. The mix collection and design test matrix will include the following: 1. Three different aggregate mineral types shall be considered. 2. Four different performance binder grades shall be considered (64-22, 64-28, 76-22, 76-28), based upon availability. 3. Two mix types shall be considered (SP-III and SP-IV) with the following RAP content: a. Zero (0%) RAP b. Greater than 15% RAP 4. Gyrations for traffic ESALs of: > 30 million and 3 —30 million shall be considered. Binder shear modulus, phase angle, Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR) stiffness, etc. will be determined. The Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) will be conducted at high temperature following the AASHTO M 320 standard. The binder will be aged using Rolling Thin Film Oven (RTFO) and Pressure Aging Vessel (PAV). Test data will be analyzed to determine the impacts of the properties of the binder on rutting and cracking. All Superpave5 and Superpave mixes shall be evaluated for further performance criteria, with the following testing conducted on both 4% and 5% laboratory air voids: • Permeability • Rut Resistance (Hamburg) • Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) test - moisture damage • Volumetric comparison • Texas Overlay Test - reflective cracking • Beam Fatigue or Semi-Circular Bending (SCB) intermediate temperature bottom-up or top-down fatigue cracking • Thermal Stress Restrained Specimen Test (TSRST) - low temperature cracking resistance


    • English


    • Status: Completed
    • Funding: $360,000
    • Contract Numbers:


    • Sponsor Organizations:

      Federal Highway Administration

      1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
      Washington, DC  United States  20590

      New Mexico Department of Transportation Research Bureau

      7500B Pan American Freeway NE
      Albuquerque, NM  United States  87109
    • Managing Organizations:

      New Mexico Department of Transportation Research Bureau

      7500B Pan American Freeway NE
      Albuquerque, NM  United States  87109
    • Performing Organizations:

      University of New Mexico, Albuquerque

      Department of Civil Engineering
      Albuquerque, NM  United States  87131-0001
    • Principal Investigators:

      Tarefder, Rafiqul

    • Start Date: 20180512
    • Expected Completion Date: 20210511
    • Actual Completion Date: 20220514
    • USDOT Program: Research and Development
    • Subprogram: Research

    Subject/Index Terms

    Filing Info

    • Accession Number: 01739753
    • Record Type: Research project
    • Source Agency: New Mexico Department of Transportation
    • Contract Numbers: R917037
    • Files: RIP, STATEDOT
    • Created Date: May 22 2020 3:27PM