Prioritization of the Application of Technologies required for Intelligent Transportation Systems
The objective of this study is to develop a framework to prioritize ITS technology needs for physical transportation systems, considering the requirements specific to an urban city being smart. The proposed prioritization framework at a city level consists of three main tasks as follows: Task-1. Development of an approach to evaluate the different requirements of individual cities; Task-2. Development of a reference table to quantify the benefits of ITS technologies; Task-3. Prioritization of ITS techniques and evaluation of the prioritization framework through a case study. Also, a final report as the last task (Task-4) will be delivered, following the previous three tasks. More details for each task are presented below.
- English
- Status: Active
- Funding: $WVU Federal Share $45,863 WVU Cost Share $45,863
Contract Numbers:
Sponsor Organizations:
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
University Transportation Centers Program
Department of Transportation
Washington, DC United States 20590 -
Managing Organizations:
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA United States 16802 -
Project Managers:
Donnell, Eric
Performing Organizations:
West Virginia University Research Corporation, Morgantown
886 Chestnut Ridge Road
Morgantown, WV United States 26506 -
Principal Investigators:
Yoon, Yoojung
- Start Date: 20200503
- Expected Completion Date: 20211103
- Actual Completion Date: 20220415
- USDOT Program: University Transportation Centers
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Analysis; Intelligent transportation systems
- Identifier Terms: Conceptual framework
- Subject Areas: Data and Information Technology; Passenger Transportation; Transportation (General);
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01738831
- Record Type: Research project
- Source Agency: Center for Integrated Asset Management for Multimodal Transportation Infrastructure Systems (CIAMTIS)
- Contract Numbers: 69A3551847103
- Files: UTC, RIP
- Created Date: May 4 2020 5:28PM