Investigation into the Contributing Factors to the Corrosion of Steel Reinforced Concrete Structures at Elevations Greater than 12 Feet Above the mean High Water Line
The objective of this research is to: (1) assess if atmospherically deposited chlorides could cause corrosion of the reinforcing steel at elevations greater than 12 ft above the mean high water line, and if yes, for what type of concrete compositions; (2) better understand the atmospherically deposited chlorides that reach a substructure at elevations higher than 12 ft above the mean high water line; and (3) gain understanding on what (other than atmospherically deposited chlorides) factors contribute to the corrosion of steel reinforced concrete structures at elevations greater than 12 feet above the mean high water line.
- English
- Status: Active
- Funding: $200000
Contract Numbers:
BDV27 977-18
Sponsor Organizations:
Florida Department of Transportation
605 Suwannee Street
Tallahassee, FL United States 32399-0450 -
Managing Organizations:
Florida Department of Transportation
Research Center
605 Suwannee Street MS-30
Tallahassee, FL United States 32399-0450 -
Project Managers:
Simmons, Ron
Performing Organizations:
Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton
Boca Raton, FL United States 33431 -
Principal Investigators:
Presuel-Moreno, Francisco
- Start Date: 20200219
- Expected Completion Date: 20220315
- Actual Completion Date: 20230309
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Chlorides; Concrete structures; Corrosion; Reinforced concrete; Reinforcing steel
- Subject Areas: Bridges and other structures; Highways; Maintenance and Preservation; Materials;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01731462
- Record Type: Research project
- Source Agency: Florida Department of Transportation
- Contract Numbers: BDV27 977-18
- Created Date: Feb 20 2020 2:24PM