Improving the Mobility of Transportation Disadvantaged Older Adults: A Community-Based Intervention for the Hispanic/Latino Population
Driving cessation in older adults can present a significant transportation problem and public health dilemma. In particular, previously car-dependent older adults may struggle to access healthcare, attend social activities, and conduct errands once they lose the ability to drive. The “Healthy Buddy” project ( is a community-based initiative that pairs trained college students with transportation disadvantaged older adults to help them identify existing transportation and health resources in their communities. The Healthy Buddy Program was established out of the need to address health equity issues associated with the increasing number of older adults who experience difficulties accessing reliable and safe transportation.Given that the population of Hispanic/Latino older adults in the U.S. is projected to grow rapidly, making up 22% of all adults over age 65 by 2060 (HHS, 2015), the development of a Spanish-language accessible version of the Healthy Buddy Program is crucial and timely. Furthermore, preliminary qualitative interviews of older adults in Hillsborough County, Florida, revealed a need for concerted efforts and outreach to resolve equity issues that already exist for Hispanic/Latino populations. Pilot research for the Healthy Buddy Program was funded through the Center for Transportation, Environment, and Community Health in 2018. Preliminary phases included program development and pilot testing to identify barriers and opportunities for improving older adults’ access to community transportation and health resources. This proposed study will build upon initial research by extending the outcomes of the program and adding a Spanish-language version of the Healthy Buddy Program for transportation disadvantaged Hispanic/Latino older adults. Through a multi-site implementation of the Spanish-language version in Hillsborough County, Florida, and Dallas–Fort Worth, Texas, this project is expected to contribute to the development of a more equitable and inclusive transportation network at the national level.
- English
- Status: Completed
- Funding: $155460
Contract Numbers:
CTEDD 020-05
Sponsor Organizations:
Center for Transportation Equity, Decisions and Dollars (CTEDD)
University of Texas at Arlington
Arlington, TX United States 76019University of Texas at Arlington
Box 19308
Arlington, TX United States 76019-0308Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
University Transportation Centers Program
Department of Transportation
Washington, DC United States 20590 -
Managing Organizations:
Center for Transportation Equity, Decisions and Dollars (CTEDD)
University of Texas at Arlington
Arlington, TX United States 76019University of Texas at Arlington
Box 19308
Arlington, TX United States 76019-0308 -
Project Managers:
Dunn, Denise
Performing Organizations:
University of South Florida, Tampa
Center for Urban Transportation Research
3650 Spectrum Boulevard
Tampa, FL United States 33612-9446University of Texas at Arlington
Box 19308
Arlington, TX United States 76019-0308 -
Principal Investigators:
Jang, Siwon
Lee, Kathy
Lee, Chanyoung
- Start Date: 20200116
- Expected Completion Date: 20210831
- Actual Completion Date: 0
- USDOT Program: University Transportation Centers
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Aged; College students; Driving cessation; Equity; Health care; Hispanics; Mobility; Pilot studies; Transportation disadvantaged persons
- Identifier Terms: Spanish language
- Geographic Terms: Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan Area; Hillsborough County (Florida)
- Subject Areas: Education and Training; Public Transportation; Safety and Human Factors; Society;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01727172
- Record Type: Research project
- Source Agency: Center for Transportation Equity, Decisions and Dollars (CTEDD)
- Contract Numbers: CTEDD 020-05, 69A3551747134
- Files: UTC, RIP
- Created Date: Jan 2 2020 3:23PM