Development of a Crash Modification Factor for Conversion of a Conventional Signalized Intersection to a Continuous Flow Intersection
North Carolina is considered a very progressive state in terms of alternative intersection implementation. The service life of many roadways has been extended because the profession is willing to push the envelope of traditional design to consider alternatives – alternatives that in many cases extend the service life without the need for costly interchange designs. However, many urban and suburban roadways have exhausted the capacity available to serve motorist reasonably. The benefits of traditional widening are not justifiable and far-to-often expensive grade separation is considered as the solution when not necessary. This research proposal follows prior research in the unconventional intersection domain which has helped bolster use of promising alternatives that look at possible safety and operational benefits. This project helps build on the current knowledge-base of continuous flow intersections by answering “Are these intersections a safe unconventional design form compared to other design alternatives?" The findings from this research, regardless of the outcome, should help analyst weigh the various trade-offs of design alternatives leading to a more informed design selection that provides the safest, most efficient, and cost effective alternative that meets the publics expectation upon completion.
- Record URL:
- Record URL:
- English
- Status: Active
- Funding: $222423
Contract Numbers:
Sponsor Organizations:
North Carolina Department of Transportation
Research and Development
1549 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC United States 27699-1549 -
Managing Organizations:
North Carolina Department of Transportation
Research and Development
1549 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC United States 27699-1549 -
Project Managers:
Penny, Lisa
Performing Organizations:
North Carolina State University
Institute for Transportation Research and Education
Raleigh, North Carolina United States 27695-8601 -
Principal Investigators:
Cunningham, Christopher
- Start Date: 20190801
- Expected Completion Date: 20210731
- Actual Completion Date: 0
- Source Data: 2020-29
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Alternatives analysis; Crash modification factors; Highway design; Highway safety; Intersections
- Geographic Terms: North Carolina
- Subject Areas: Highways; Operations and Traffic Management; Safety and Human Factors;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01724944
- Record Type: Research project
- Source Agency: North Carolina Department of Transportation
- Contract Numbers: FHWA/NC/2020-29
- Created Date: Dec 11 2019 3:54PM