Understanding Air Content Measurement Techniques for Durability Prediction
The proposed research has two primary objectives: 1) to understand the uncertainties associated with the AASHTO TP 118 air void distribution correlation and 2) to reduce these uncertainties through calibration. A correlation experiment is proposed where multiple fresh concrete air characterization techniques including AASHTO TP 118, and ASTM C231 are used on the same concrete samples. Hardened air characterization will also be performed (ASTM C457). An approach similar to the one used by Ley and Tabb (2014) will be used to correlate the SAM measurements with those from KDOT’s C457 measurements for the distribution of air voids. Several concrete mix designs will be generated in such that all mixes are: 1) representative of typical Kansas paving mixes and 2) distributed throughout the parametric space. The mixes selected must all pass KDOT Specifications for on-grade concrete, including strength, permeability, w/c ratio and cement content. The other key parameters for evaluation may include aggregate fraction, aggregate type, slump, supplementary cementitious materials, and admixtures. A fully populated mix design matrix will be developed and then selected mixes will be evaluated from the matrix in coordination with KDOT Project Monitors that efficiently represent the parameters for this study. For all selected mixes, multiple repetitions will be conducted so that uncertainty information can be captured.
Supplemental Notes:
- Final report is pending review.
- English
- Status: Active
- Funding: $118,824
Contract Numbers:
K-TRAN: KSU-19-1
Sponsor Organizations:
Kansas Department of Transportation
Eisenhower State Office Building
700 SW Harrison Street
Topeka, KS United States 66603-3754 -
Performing Organizations:
Kansas State University Transportation Center
Kansas State University
Department of Civil Engineering
Manhattan, KS United States 66506 -
Principal Investigators:
Jones, Christopher
- Start Date: 20180815
- Expected Completion Date: 20240731
- Actual Completion Date: 0
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Air voids; Concrete pavements; Entrained air; Freeze thaw durability
- Subject Areas: Design; Materials; Pavements;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01704494
- Record Type: Research project
- Source Agency: Kansas Department of Transportation
- Contract Numbers: K-TRAN: KSU-19-1, RE-0747-01, C2134
- Created Date: May 7 2019 3:22PM