Innovative Pothole Repair Materials and Techniques
Potholes in asphalt pavement surface have detrimental effects on asphalt pavement deterioration and traffic safety. The cost- effective pothole repair methods are needed for highway agencies at all levels. This project aims to identify and evaluate innovative tools, technologies and materials for pothole repair in New Jersey. In phase I, the pothole repair methods that have potential to improve the cost-effectiveness of current practice at New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) will be identified and analyzed using life-cycle cost analysis. In phase II, the identified technologies and materials will be further studied through analytical modeling, laboratory testing, and field implementation. The optimized heating procedures will be developed considering heat source, pothole geometry, and weather condition. The effective test procedures and performance requirements on pothole repair materials to ensure good performance and bonding in the field will be studied and specified. Finally, the draft specification for pothole repair and the recommended material products will be developed for NJDOT.
- Record URL:
Supplemental Notes:
- $106,228 (Year 1) / $349,839 (Total).
- English
- Status: Active
- Funding: $349839
Contract Numbers:
Sponsor Organizations:
New Jersey Department of Transportation
1035 Parkway Avenue
Trenton, NJ United States 08625 -
Managing Organizations:
New Jersey Department of Transportation
Bureau of Research
1035 Parkway Avenue
Trenton, NJ United States 08625 -
Project Managers:
Venkiteela, Giri
Performing Organizations:
Rutgers University, Piscataway
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
623 Bowser Road
Piscataway, NJ United States 08854 -
Principal Investigators:
Wang, Hao
- Start Date: 20190601
- Expected Completion Date: 20221231
- Actual Completion Date: 0
- USDOT Program: Advanced Materials/Structural Safety
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Cost effectiveness; Heating (Vehicles); Laboratory tests; Life cycle costing; Materials; Optimization; Potholes; Repairing; Specifications; Technological innovations
- Geographic Terms: New Jersey
- Subject Areas: Highways; Maintenance and Preservation; Materials; Pavements; Safety and Human Factors;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01704361
- Record Type: Research project
- Source Agency: New Jersey Department of Transportation
- Contract Numbers: 19-60153
- Created Date: May 2 2019 2:31PM