Tactical Initiatives from the ACRP Strategic Plan.Task 5. RFQ: Exploring Tactical Approaches to Facilitate the Implementation of ACRP Research Results

The Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) just completed its tenth year as an applied research program geared to develop near-term, practical solutions to problems faced by airport operators. Throughout the past decade, ACRP has earned and maintained a reputation for research excellence that is a trademark of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine–as well as all Transportation Research Board (TRB) cooperative research programs. ACRP has continually produced research results (i.e., new ideas, practice, and technology) with immediate and practical application to the airport industry. However, the benefits of ACRP research are only realized when practitioners implement the results (i.e., innovative ideas, suggested practice, new technology, etc.) that come out of ACRP research projects. ACRP is anecdotally aware of airports that have implemented research results (see Impacts on Practice series) with positive outcomes, but there remain opportunities for further industry implementation. A stronger emphasis on implementation will help the airport industry move more ACRP research results into practice. A visible emphasis on implementation is one way to help the airport industry move more ACRP research results into practice. Much of this emphasis can be effectively achieved through close collaboration with airport industry associations, academic institutions, and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). More can and should be done to facilitate the transfer of ideas, practice, and technology into the airport industry. The most productive tactics to achieve implementation throughout the airport industry are dependent upon many factors inherent to the airport industry. They are also subject to the capabilities and resources of the ACRP and industry associations. In some cases, ACRP is hindered by circumstantial conditions and constraints such as business conflicts within the industry or legal limitations that inherently accompany ACRP research results. Preliminary work is needed to shed light on these issues, develop an effective and achievable approach that mitigates any legal concerns or practical conflicts, and explore the myriad of methods and approaches that can be efficiently employed to facilitate implementation of ACRP research results among airport industry practitioners. Methods to explore may include traditional techniques such as training curriculum and supporting material, online courses, self-directed learning systems, team learning programs, peer exchanges, forums, workshops, and webinar or video presentations, but ACRP is also interested in exploring new and innovative approaches to facilitate implementation.


  • English


  • Status: Proposed
  • Funding: $150000
  • Contract Numbers:

    Project 11-05, Task 5

  • Sponsor Organizations:

    Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP)

    Transportation Research Board, 500 Fifth Street, NW
    Washington, DC  United States  20001

    Federal Aviation Administration

    800 Independence Avenue, SW
    Washington, DC  United States  20591
  • Project Managers:

    Salamone, Michael

  • Start Date: 20170310
  • Expected Completion Date: 0
  • Actual Completion Date: 0
  • Source Data: RiP Project 41492

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01628740
  • Record Type: Research project
  • Source Agency: Transportation Research Board
  • Contract Numbers: Project 11-05, Task 5
  • Files: TRB, RIP
  • Created Date: Mar 10 2017 10:07AM