Transportation Data Trends and Best Practices

The principal investigator will research and review available literature on best practices for online presentation of scientific (and, if available, transportation-related) data; and conduct research to identify websites, within and outside of California, where similar data is presented, such as state and federal agencies, (Metropolitan Planning Organization's [MPO's], Regional Transportation Planning Agencies [RTPA's]), university research sites, and non-transportation-related sites, if applicable. Appropriate criteria will be developed for comparing these sites and the current Division of Research, Innovation, and System Information (DRISI) website. The sites will be analyzed against the criteria for their similarities and differences in content, presentation, and the technologies or frameworks used to support them. Practices in use across several sites will be noted as potential "best practices." The current DRISI site will be analyzed against the other sites to determine gaps in data and presentation methods. Recommendations will be developed as described in the objectives above, with an emphasis on leveraging data already available on the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and other state agency sites.