PPRC14 SPE Pres-A: Effects of Pavement Roughness on Freight Movement

This project follows up from a pilot study, completed in 2014, that (1) investigated how road roughness is an important aspect of freight movement and sustainability, (2) showed measurements and modeling of the interaction of pavement roughness, vehicles, freight damage, and logistics considerations, and (3) described effects of pavement maintenance activities on freight operations and logistics. This project expands on the limited cases evaluated in the pilot study and initiates efforts to further investigate sustainability of logistics and the freight-vehicle-pavement "system". Private sector voluntary participation has been a pivotal part of this follow-up project as it was in the pilot study. A funding augmentation for this project was approved in spring 2016, with funds available effective July 2016, to enable more in-depth evaluations in the current California Department of Transportation - University of California Pavement Research Center (Caltrans-UCPRC) research contract, which ends November 2017.