Active Travel Behavior and Spatial-Temporal Land Use Mixing
Urban policies have emphasized the importance of land use mixing as an intervention beholding of lasting planning and public health benefits. Transportation planners have identified potential in efficiency gains achieved by increasing land use mix and the subsequent shortening of trip lengths; whereas, public health research has accredited increased land use mixing as an effective policy for facilitating greater physical activity. However, despite the myriad benefits and extent of topical research, no consensus has been reached regarding the magnitude of land use mixing’s effect on active travel. Absence of agreement may largely be attributed to theoretical and methodological failings persistent in past measurements. This research will identify these shortcomings and provide practice with a metric better equipped to evaluate the construct’s link to travel. Specifically, this work examines the relationship between land use mix and (a) pedestrian travel when considering the complementarity, composition, and configuration of land use types; (b) mode choice when mix is operationalized at varying geographic scales; and (c) active travel behavior when temporal availability of activity locations is incorporated into a mix metric. Results will provide greater specificity to policymakers and practitioners interested in the active travel outcomes associated with implementation of this smart growth principle.
- Record URL:
Supplemental Notes:
- N/A
- English
- Status: Completed
- Funding: $15,000.00
Contract Numbers:
NITC 973
Sponsor Organizations:
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
University Transportation Centers Program
Department of Transportation
Washington, DC United States 20590National Institute for Transportation and Communities
Portland State University
P.O. Box 751
Portland, OR United States 97207 -
Managing Organizations:
TREC at Portland State University
1900 SW Fourth Ave, Suite 175
P.O. Box 751
Portland, Oregon United States 97201 -
Project Managers:
Hagedorn, Hau
Performing Organizations:
Portland State University
P.O. Box 751
Portland, OR United States 97207-0751 -
Principal Investigators:
Gehrke, Steven
- Start Date: 20150120
- Expected Completion Date: 20160331
- Actual Completion Date: 20170601
- USDOT Program: University Transportation Centers Program
- Source Data: N/A
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Activity choices; Land use planning; Location; Mode choice; Pedestrian traffic; Spatial analysis; Travel behavior
- Subject Areas: Pedestrians and Bicyclists; Planning and Forecasting;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01579588
- Record Type: Research project
- Source Agency: National Institute for Transportation and Communities
- Contract Numbers: NITC 973
- Files: UTC, RIP
- Created Date: Oct 24 2015 12:40PM