The Ties that Bind: Developing a Bi-national Transportation-Combined Economic Simulation Model to Assess Security and Policy Implications of US-Canada Border Bridges

The objectives of this research are to understand the economic importance of border bridges on the United States (U.S.) and Canada economies, especially involving the various US states proximate to the Province of Ontario, and to simulate various the U.S.-Canada border bridge policy and security scenarios. To this end, this project will develop a novel bi-national transportation-combined economic simulation model which contributes to providing hierarchical economic impacts at the state/province or lower levels of the two countries. Complex and disaggregated models can lead to a better understanding of how economic impacts resulting from traffic pattern changes on the border bridges can affect the local economies of neighboring states in the United States. Combining models and data from the two countries, this project will bring methodological innovations in border security and freight transportation modeling. The project proposes an integrated transportation-economic model that involves several sub-procedures to be developed. The project envisions two major steps, although each step involves several modeling procedures. The first part is to construct a hierarchical structure of a bi-national economic simulation model. The second step is to add the U.S. and Canada highway system simulation model which is at the basis of the network user equilibrium concept. The scenario based simulation will include increased border security levels, capacity increases/decreases on various bridges, closures/demolitions of the bridges, and even the introduction of new bridges. The proposed research will estimate the changes of freight transportation costs and patterns, analyzing the structural changes in economic activities of each state/province by industrial sectors under various scenarios. This research proposal is important not only for an increased understanding of the economic implication of the US-Canada border bridges, but also able to provide a simulation tool which can be extended and applied to other contexts, such as transportation, national and bi-national security, and Niagara Falls tourism policy simulations, among others. To effectively conduct this research, the projectmade a multi-disciplinary (Economic Modeling; Law and Planning; Industrial Engineering; Supply Chain Management) and multi-campus research team (University at Buffalo and SUNY Oswego). Especially, the team will actively collaborate with a Canadian cross-border research group who already has communicated with the research team several times (


  • English


  • Status: Completed
  • Funding: $154681.00
  • Contract Numbers:


  • Sponsor Organizations:

    Research and Innovative Technology Administration

    University Transportation Centers Program
    1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
    Washington, DC  United States  20590

    University Transportation Research Center

    City College of New York
    Marshak Hall, Suite 910, 160 Convent Avenue
    New York, NY  United States  10031
  • Project Managers:

    Eickemeyer, Penny

  • Performing Organizations:

    State University of New York, Buffalo

    212 Ketter Hall
    Buffalo, NY  United States  14260
  • Principal Investigators:

    Kwon, Changhyun

    Park, JiYoung

  • Start Date: 20140201
  • Expected Completion Date: 0
  • Actual Completion Date: 20151231
  • Source Data: RiP Project 36352

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01570476
  • Record Type: Research project
  • Source Agency: University Transportation Research Center
  • Contract Numbers: 49997-41-25
  • Files: UTC, RIP
  • Created Date: Jul 22 2015 1:01AM