IIMS Staten Island Web and Smartphone Development, Deployment and Evaluation
The overall objectives of the Integrated Incident Management System (IIMS) are to collect and communicate incident data (location, type/severity, digital images, and expedited reporting) among agencies providing emergency response and incident/traffic/transit/emergency management services for the purpose of improving the incident response and clearance process, thus reducing congestion/emissions and enhancing highway safety to both the responder and multiple users along the transportation corridors. These data are communicated throughout the incident between emergency response vehicles and emergency and traffic operation centers, and between multiple operations centers. The types of data include digital images of the incident scene, spatial representation of the incident and roadway characteristics, key parameters describing the incident and associated emergency response needs, and supporting text. Some of the information communicated during an incident includes: location, type, severity, secondary responders needed, equipment needed, and status of the response. The IIMS is designed to provide a more effective, efficient, and coordinated multi-agency response to an incident. Field operational testing for IIMS Phase 1 in the test area began in July 2001. Phase 1 provided the basic capabilities needed to create incidents and share key data elements, pictures, and location information. Phase 2 built on this foundation to offer the full range of incident management support (e.g., incident merging and splitting, messaging), expansion to other centers (e.g., New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYC DEP), the Office of Emergency Management (OEM)), and continued technical and maintenance support for the IIMS deployment. The Phase 2c effort continued to expand IIMS capabilities by allowing users to customize new incident alerts and to filter incidents displayed on their systems, by supporting full conformance with the Extensible Markup Language (XML) version of the IEEE Standard for Common Incident Management Message Sets for Use by Emergency Management Centers (IEEE-1512). The Phase 2 enabled IIMS to connect to the Information Exchange Network (IEN) thus providing important incident information to the IEN applications including 511NY. The Phase 2e effort focused on the development of a Smartphone (BlackBerry) application that provides a low cost platform to expand the IIMS deployment. A web services version of IIMS was recently deployed on the New York State Department of Transpprtation (NYSDOT) and CityNet networks utilizing NYeNet to synchronize the incident data between the two IIMS servers. A key feature of this release is the use of an Oracle database which enhances data integrity and provides reporting capabilities to the IIMS client agencies. IIMS utilizes the I3B (IEN) to provide center to center communication and communication to disparate systems (i.e. SMARTS and TRANSCOM), making it an integral component of the NYSDOT Region 11 ITS Operation plan. The IEEE 1512 or TMDD FEU transportation emergency communication standards are utilized to perform this data transfer. The objective of this project is to implement an enhanced version of the IIMS along the primary transportation corridors (I-278 /440) on Staten Island, and to conduct an evaluation of the system focused on the system requirements from a user perspective, including both users as well as travelers. Results from the evaluation of the study will be used to guide further enhancements of the IIMS in the future, and to pave the way for its deployment in areas outside the metropolitan NYC area (e.g. Upstate NY). A key feature of the enhanced IIMS will be a hand-held client, which will provide the mechanism to gather increasing volumes of incident data that will then be shared with all IIMS client agencies providing enhanced coordination of multiagency incidents and enhanced situational awareness. The collection of a subset of IIMS data and the ability to review IIMS data by low cost handheld devices that are already deployed by many client agencies is a major change to the IIMS concept of operations. The initial goal of this project is to deploy the IIMS hand-held client (currently based on the default NYSDOT hand-held device - Blackberry Tour), with expanded multi-agency incident management capabilities, to NYSDOT, NYPD (Highways and Precincts), NYCDOT, NYCOEM, FDNY, DSNY, MTA NYC Transit Depots, MTA B&T and PANYNJ responders serving the primary transportation corridors on Staten Island Corridor. This deployment can be readily expanded to responders covering other highway corridors in Region 11. IIMS hand-held deployment only requires that the responders are equipped with an IIMS supported hand-held device. The research objectives are: (1) Enhancement of the IIMS BlackBerry application providing more access to IIMS data by agency personnel. (2) Expanded IIMS deployment within the current IIMS clients (NYPD, NYCDOT, NYCOEM, FDNY, DSNY, and NYSDOT JTMC). (3) Expanded IIMS deployment within MTA B&T and MTA transit depot responders/staff serving the Staten Island Corridor. (4) IIMS deployment with PANYNJ responders serving the Staten Island Corridor. (4) Operations and maintenance of the IIMS, supporting users with help desk support and system support. This includes training of new users and retraining of current users. (5) Evaluation of the system with a special emphasis on "users" requirements and how well they are met with the current system. The "users" group considered will include agencies as well as travelers, and both downstate as well as upstate users. .
- English
- Status: Active
- Funding: $799000.00
Contract Numbers:
Sponsor Organizations:
New York State Department of Transportation
50 Wolf Road
Albany, NY United States 12232 -
Project Managers:
Mooney, Deborah
Performing Organizations:
State University Plaza
Albany, New York United States 12246Polytechnic Institute of NYU
6 MetroTech Center
Brooklyn, NY United States 11201 -
Principal Investigators:
Falcocchio, John
Prassas, Elena
Sadek, Adel
- Start Date: 20120515
- Expected Completion Date: 0
- Actual Completion Date: 20150930
- Source Data: RiP Project 29988
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Crash severity; Emergency response time; Incident management; Real time information; Smartphones; Traffic congestion
- Geographic Terms: Staten Island (New York, New York)
- Subject Areas: Data and Information Technology; Operations and Traffic Management; Transportation (General);
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01565953
- Record Type: Research project
- Source Agency: University Transportation Research Center
- Contract Numbers: 55505-03-05, 55505-04-05
- Files: UTC, RIP
- Created Date: Jun 6 2015 1:00AM