Sustainable Transportation for Tourism: Indicators & Standards, Green Certification Programs, and Simulation Modeling (Part 4)
Transportation engineers often study patterns for routine daily travel: to work, to school, for social activities and errands. In this project an experienced interdisciplinary team tackles the issue of sustainable transportation in the context of tourism. The researchers propose a model built on a matrix-based approach to define varying levels of sustainability where "indicators" are organized into a three-fold framework of environmental, social, and economic considerations. A range of "standards" for these indicators is arrayed across the matrix. Researchers are focusing on three types of geography where tourism travel is significant: tourist towns, scenic corridors and national parks. By incorporating indicators and standards a Level of Service (LOS) style metric can be extended to tourist travel. Researchers are also considering marketing aspects of tourist travel behavior. Provision of more sustainable transportation such as a certified Green Coach is hypothesized to not only affect tourist travel decisions but to also provide public education and community/economic development.
- Record URL:
Supplemental Notes:
- url part 1: url part 2:
- English
- Status: Completed
- Funding: $252312.00
Contract Numbers:
Sponsor Organizations:
Research and Innovative Technology Administration
University Transportation Centers Program
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC United States 20590 -
Project Managers:
Troy, Austin
Aultman-Hall, Lisa
Performing Organizations:
University of Vermont, Burlington
Transportation Center, 210 Colchester Avenue
Farrell Hall
Burlington, VT United States 05405 -
Principal Investigators:
Manning, Robert
- Start Date: 20070801
- Expected Completion Date: 0
- Actual Completion Date: 20120531
- Source Data: RiP Project 28443
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Certification; Economic development; Green; Level of service; Public transit; Standards; Sustainable development; Sustainable transportation; Travel behavior
- Uncontrolled Terms: Green technology
- Geographic Terms: New England
- Subject Areas: Pedestrians and Bicyclists; Public Transportation; Vehicles and Equipment; I15: Environment;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01565927
- Record Type: Research project
- Source Agency: UVM Transportation Center
- Contract Numbers: DTRT06-G-0018, 026042
- Files: UTC, RIP
- Created Date: Jun 4 2015 1:02AM