Highway Safety Manual in States II -- Freeway/Software
The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) is preparing to release a revision to the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) that includes models for freeway segments, speed-change lanes and interchanges. Select models that are relevant to Mid-America Transportation Center (MATC) states will be calibrated using local sites and local crash data. The calibration of such models will ensure that they reflect local driver population, conditions and environment. The HSM has a related software package, the Safety Analyst (SA). This software will be investigated for the generation of the annual needs list (high-severity facilities). There have been some facilities that are unique to the MATC states that do not have HSM models. Two examples are the diverging diamond (or double-crossover) and the J-turn. This project will also develop Safety Performance Functions for these innovative geometric designs that are designed to reduce severe crashes.
- English
- Status: Completed
- Funding: $94797.00
Contract Numbers:
Sponsor Organizations:
Research and Innovative Technology Administration
University Transportation Centers Program
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC United States 20590 -
Performing Organizations:
University of Missouri, Columbia
Columbia, MO United States 65211 -
Principal Investigators:
Nemmers, Charles
Edara, Praveen
Sun, Carlos
- Start Date: 20130701
- Expected Completion Date: 0
- Actual Completion Date: 20141231
- Source Data: RiP Project 34780
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Calibration; Crash data; Freeway operations; High risk locations; Highway safety; Traffic models; Validation
- Identifier Terms: Highway Safety Manual
- Subject Areas: Data and Information Technology; Education and Training; Highways; Operations and Traffic Management; Safety and Human Factors;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01487954
- Record Type: Research project
- Source Agency: Mid-America Transportation Center
- Contract Numbers: DTRT12-G-UTC07
- Files: UTC, RIP
- Created Date: Jul 24 2013 1:01AM